Explore Java Coffee : Rich Flavor Profile with a Distinctive Coffee Aroma

Specialty Coffee
Explore Java coffee : rich flavor profile with a distinctive coffee aroma and delightful coffee experience
Indonesia coffee
Malabar Mountains


One of the strengths of Indonesia is that there is a volcanic ring that runs from Sumatra – Java – Bali – the Timor islands to Papua. The fertile volcanic soil produces coffee with high taste, each coffee producing region in Indonesia has its own unique flavor.
The uniqueness of Indonesian coffees lies in the testing notes of the coffee itself, the world’s specialty coffee industry is looking at Indonesia as a country with a unique coffee flavor. The trend of coffee lovers in the world changes from French and Italian style which prefers roasty or burnt coffee to specialty coffee, where every single origin coffee in a region has a unique taste.

Javanese coffee is one of the oldest coffee producers in the world. There are many story java coffee has competition winner of specialty coffee in the world, for example java preanger from West Java has winner in France

A. West Java province

Old coffee plantation supported by fertile soil, the plantation started from the Dutch colonized on the island of Java, this coffee was brought from Malabar India and then planted in the land of Pasundan, West Java.
The types of coffee that are widely grown are Arabica coffee originating from Garut and Bandung
There are several types of Javanese Arabica coffee in West Java.

Java Preanger Arabica Coffee

  • Malabar Coffee
    Malabar Coffee or Pangalengan coffee is coffee brought from Malabar India by the Dutch East Indies.
    Malabar Coffee Brought from India Around 1699 the Mayor of Amsterdam, Nicholas Witsen, ordered to bring coffee seeds to be delivered to Adrian Van Ommen as commander of the Dutch troops in Malabar, India. These types of Arabica coffee seedlings were then also brought to Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period. This coffee is already very popular among other Java Preanger coffees.

Java preanger coffee

  • Becoming a Malabar Coffee Plantation Considering that the Priangan region is a plateau region, coffee seeds planted under Dutch orders grew very fertile. The Dutch chose the location in Pengalengan, precisely in Margamulya Village as an Arabica coffee plantation area from India, which was later renamed to Malabar Coffee.
    Profile of Malabar coffee
    Medium acidity up
    The Dominant Taste of Chocolate with the Final Taste of the Spice, Sometimes Even the Taste of Jackfruit
    Has a Medium Level of Coffee Concentration to the Top
  • Ciwidey Coffee
    This coffee has a fruity taste. This coffee was once the most expensive coffee at a coffee auction in the United States with a price of around $ 142.86 per kilogram.
  • Palasari Coffee
    This coffee comes from the village of Cilengkrang, Bandung Regency. Although not many people know, but many say this coffee has a taste that is almost the same as the type of coffee Preanger but not too sour.
  • Papandayan coffee
    Papandayan Arabica coffee grows well around the Papandayan mountains. Even when heading to the tourist area of Mount Papandayan, you can easily find coffee plantations along the road. Coffee originating from this area is yellow bean coffee.
    feel the acidity in Garut Papandayan coffee more dominant. The aroma is very fresh and sexy.
  • Mount Puntang Coffee
    This one coffee comes from Mount Puntang which is located in Bandung regency and is still in the Malabar Mountain region. Coffee that has a more fruty taste, lemon tea and clean after taste is planted at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level, with a height and air temperature that supports making puntang coffee one of the coffees that are very interested lately.
    Mount Puntang coffee was once a champion in the Specialty Coffee Association Of America Expo in Atlanta, United States in 2016.
  • Cikuray Coffee
    Cikuray Mountain is indeed famous as a fun and exciting climbing place, but what if this mountain also produces coffee beans that are no less tasty than the coffee you usually drink. This coffee comes from Cikuray Mountain, Garut. It feels an orange sour sensation and has a thick texture.
    Especially the aroma coffee is very strong coffee and wood aroma really, a little mocha taste. As for the body can be felt bold. Almost all Garut Arabica coffee, based on experience the level of acidity is medium to high, although with a variety of processing techniques in the post-harvest until it is served in a cup it remains like that
  • Mount Halu Coffee
    the quality of coffee from this region is classified as grade A. It is still an Arabica type and like most other Java Preanger coffees, it has a distinctive taste. This coffee has been widely exported to Morocco
    Gunung Halu coffee with Honey fermentation process, the profiles that come out are: Banana, Starfruit, Wild Honey, Sweetnees, Medium Body
  • Samarang Arabica Coffee
    The level of acidity was not too dominant compared to Papandayan arabica coffee, Cikuray arabica coffee. You could say more towards bright (mild, dry and sharp taste) but not sharp. Really suitable if for you who want to try Garut Arabica coffee for the first time so you are not surprised by the unique Garut Arabica coffee.

roasted malabar coffee

  • Garut Java preanger
    The Garut single origin coffee was first brought by the Dutch colonials and planted in the mountainous areas of West Java around the city of Garut. Garut coffee planting area is located at a minimum height of 1,300 meters above sea level, where the land is still relatively fertile and has a cool climate / weather. Garut coffees are also given enough attention to planting and processing so it’s no wonder that Garut coffees are now among the best coffee-producing of West Java province.
    Most of the Garut district there are still active volcanoes such as Mount Guntur, Papandayan mountain, and Mount Talaga Bodas (near to Galunggung mountain). .So that more or less certainly affects the coffee plants that are dominated by the acidity that is often found. In addition, the topographic condition of the Garut region which is at an elevation and still has abundant forest reserves makes Garut Arabica coffee plantations grow well.
    Region: West Java,
    Guntur Mountain
    Altitude: 1300 – 2000mdp
    Varieties: Typica, Katimor, Lini-S, Bourbon
    Processing Method: Natural Process
    Cupping Notes: Chocolate, Blueberries, Clean Flavors, Grapefruit, Grenadine, Tropical Fruit, Fresh Tobacco

In addition to Arabica coffee there are also farmers who grow robusta Java coffee, especially in the Garut, Tasikmalaya and Bogor regions

B. Central Java Province

Central Java coffee is dominated by Robusta coffee beans. Temanggung, Ungaran and Banjarnegara coffee producing centers. But there is also Arabica coffee in Temanggung, altitude 800-1300 above sea level. Where there is Sindoro volcano and sumbing volcano

Best robusta Java Coffee
Java Robusta Coffee


  • Temanggung Coffee

Arabica Javanese coffee from Temanggung will taste different if it is processed by natural fermentation, This coffee from Temanggung has profile that is mixed with tobacco which cannot be found in any coffee bean. Besides robusta coffee types have stronger fragrance compared to other robusta coffee types. And for this type of arabica coffee does have a characteristic acid that is left in the mouth.

  • Muria Coffee
    This coffee is grown in the Muria Mountains with extensive plantings, including 452 hectares in Kudus. In the Pati region, that Covers around 795 hectares on the eastern slope of Muria mountain.
    type of Muria coffee are generally robusta with spices and sweet taste, a characteristic that is close to the taste of arabica. In addition to Robusta, the Muria Mountains also have Arabica coffee whose population is not as much Robusta. What is unique is the type of liberika coffee that has aroman numbers or excels,
    Just like Temanggung, Wonosobo coffee production is large The most popular coffee in this area is the Arabica type
  • Wonosobo Coffee

unique taste because it is planted at an altitude of 1600-2000 meters above sea level. The difference between Arabica from other regions is the taste of spices and the aroma of tobacco. Naturally, wonosobo coffee is grown with tobacco in the same farming area as the intercropping system.
Another uniqueness of wonosobo coffee is the caramel flavor. So, even without sugar it tastes still sweet

  • Ambarawa Coffee
    Single coffee does have a distinctive taste and unique aroma. the coffee profile are mocca, caramel, and a little lemon flavor. Uniquely, there is a pine scent in it. This is very rare,
  • Banjarnegara coffee
    Banjarnegara Arabica Coffee is declared superior in various categories, the coffee profile : aroma, flavor, thickness, acidity, and the taste that is inherent in the esophagus after being aftertaste.

C. East Java Province

Creater of Ijen mountain
Creater of Ijen mountain


  • Java Ijen arabica Coffee
    When compared with other Arabica coffee, Ijen java arabica coffee is somewhat lighter Arabica coffee with a low acidity level. So that the sour taste that is presented is very exotic.
    The taste that is owned is also very unique, which has the taste of nuts and tastes a little like chocolate when tasted. The distinctive aroma will be felt when brewed for the first time.
    Ijen Raung Java coffee has a soft texture so it seems sweet in its presentation.
  • Arjuno Arabica Coffee
    Arjuno Arabica coffee is grown in one of the villages located in Karangploso sub-district, precisely at the foot of Mount Arjuna in Malang Regency. This coffee tree is planted at an altitude of around 900-1500 meters above sea level. Arjuno’s Arabica coffee is processed by fermentation which has a strong caramel aroma, moderate acidity and a bitter taste. So that way the coffee will taste more delicious and delicious when taken by mouth.
  • Bangelan Arabica Coffee
    One of Malang’s arabica coffee which must be tried is Bangelan arabica coffee. This coffee is grown by farmers in the village of Bangelan, Wonosari sub-district, Malang district. Bangelan Coffee has been certified by the world coffee production, UTZ Certified, whose headquarters are in Finland. Cultivation that always minimizes the use of chemicals produces quality coffee beans and is able to compete in the world market.
  • Javanese Coffee Arabica Coffee
    Javanese coffee is a term for Malang Arabica coffee which is planted in the Mount Semeru plateau precisely in the Pasrujambe village. This coffee is planted above a height of around 1000-1300 meters above sea level. Producing high quality coffee beans because of its treatment using organic ingredients.
    The aroma of caramel is so pronounced, the acid is more dominant, but the bitter taste is not too disturbing. The combination of sour and bitter is quite okay.
  • Bromo Tengger Arabica Coffee
    Malang arabica coffee which must be tried next is bromo tengger arabica. This type of coffee is grown in the Sapikerep village at the foot of Bromo Mountain. Bromo tengger coffee seedlings were brought by the Dutch to plantations in Indonesia. However, this coffee plantation is now only planted for the personal needs of local residents.
    Arabica varieties developed there include Lini S, Cobra, and Komasti. The uniqueness of this Bromo Tengger Arabica coffee is that in addition to its strong taste it also has a diverse and slightly aromatic aroma.
  • Jabung Arabica Coffee
    From the Dutch colonial era, Jabung has been known as the best coffee producing center. Malang Arabica coffee is grown in the spur village of Jabung sub-district above 1000 meters above sea level. This coffee has even been known by the world community since ancient times because of the good quality of coffee beans so that it produces a very delicious coffee flavor.
  • Kawi Arabica Coffee
    Kawi arabica coffee is one of Malang Arabica coffee grown around Gunung Kawi Malang Regency. This type of coffee is generally served using 2 methods. The first method is V60 which will cause a soft taste and not too bitter even without sugar.

The second method is Vietnam trip which will produce a sweeter coffee taste because it contains more milk in it. For those who like a more bitter taste, you can choose the V60 method and vice versa, both those who like sweet can use the Vietnam trip method.

indonesia coffee

IDCoffee is an Indonesian coffee beans supplier, one of the products is Java coffee beans, feel free to contact us info@indonesiacoffees.com

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