Tag: coffee

Beneficial Effects of Caffeine

Many scientific studies have shown that caffeine improves concentration, alertness, reasoning, intellectual effort and vigilance. (1-5) This effect can help counter `post-lunch dip’ in concentration, and overcoming drowsiness in motorists and nightshift workers thus reducing the risk of accidents. (6) The Department of Transport in its Think! Don’t Drive Tired campaign recommends a couple of cups of coffee as an effective method of alleviating driver fatigue (www.dft.gov.uk) Studies have also shown that drinking strong coffee when there is a demanding physical task ahead helps people to keep going longer and staves off exhaustion. (7,8,9) Caffeine increases kidney blood flow and ... Read more

What is Caffeine?

Known chemically as 1, 3, 7 – trimethylxanthine, caffeine is an alkaloid (occurring substances in plants) belonging to the methylxanthine family, which also includes theophylline and theobromine. All have very similar effects in stimulating the central nervous system, though caffeine is the most potent. Caffeine occurs naturally in the leaves, seeds or fruit of more than sixty plant species the best known of which are coffee, tea, cola and guarana. In nature, caffeine protects plants from parasites. Since the discovery of its chemical structure in 1895, caffeine – a white, odourless, crystalline powder with a bitter taste – has become ... Read more