Category: Coffee

What Is The Honey Coffee?

What mean the coffee uses honey? We often hear this question when we explain the honey process to our clients, friends and relatives. The name Honey Process is indeed confusing, what comes to many people’s heads when they first hear the term may involve coffee soaked in a kind of honey concoction or the taste of coffee with a touch of honey flavor. But in reality, it has nothing to do with honey made by bees or the taste it produces. Then Why Called Honey? Honey Process is one of three post-harvest processes commonly used around the world: 1) Natural ... Read more

10 Best Indonesia Arabica Coffee Bean

Arabica coffee is considered to have better quality than other types. This can be seen from the relatively higher selling price. Arabica coffee only grows and produces optimally when planted in the highlands. Arabica coffee will grow optimally when planted at a height of 900-2500 above sea level. With rainfall ranging from 1200-2000 mm per year. The most suitable environmental temperature for this plant is around 15-24 degrees Celsius. This plant cannot stand temperatures close to freezing below 40 degrees Celsius Arabica Coffee Varieties There are many varieties of Arabica coffee grown in Indonesia. Each variety has different growth and ... Read more

What is Different Robusta Sumatera and Robusta Java

Coffea canephora (syn. Coffea robusta), commonly known as robusta coffee, the most coffee tree in indonesia is robusta coffee tree. the area of robusta coffee tree in Indonesia : Sumatera, Java, Bali, Flores Island and Sulawesi. Taste and Aroma Sumatera robusta coffee strong taste and body, nutty, medium acidity. Java robusta coffee strong aroma, medium – high acidity, a little mocha, nutty, caramel/brown sugar Coffee Plantation Extensive coffee plantation of Sumatra robusta coffee Intensive coffee plantation of java robusta coffee Java coffee is oldest coffee plantation Price Sumatera robusta coffee bean is low price than Java robusta coffee Fine robusta ... Read more

Explore Java Coffee : Rich Flavor Profile with a Distinctive Coffee Aroma

Explore Java coffee : rich flavor profile with a distinctive coffee aroma and delightful coffee experience Malabar Mountains   One of the strengths of Indonesia is that there is a volcanic ring that runs from Sumatra – Java – Bali – the Timor islands to Papua. The fertile volcanic soil produces coffee with high taste, each coffee producing region in Indonesia has its own unique flavor. The uniqueness of Indonesian coffees lies in the testing notes of the coffee itself, the world’s specialty coffee industry is looking at Indonesia as a country with a unique coffee flavor. The trend of ... Read more

4 Types of Roasting That Determine the Character of Coffee

Delicious coffee can not be separated from the services of skilled hands who plant and mix. It is a long process to get to coffee lovers Well, one important stage in coffee processing is roasting process. But not merely roaming, because, this process has different levels or types. Uniquely, the types of roasting turned out to affect the character and taste of coffee. Want to know anything? Light Roast The temperature used for the light roast stage ranges from 180-205 degrees Celsius. The results of this roaster is a light brown coffee with high acid content. In addition, there ... Read more

Difference Between Robusta Coffee and Arabica Coffee

In fact, many varieties of coffee trees grow throughout the world. However, there are two types of coffee that are best known and have many fans, namely Arabica and Robusta coffee. The following is the difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee that must be known by coffee lovers. What’s difference between Robusta coffee and Arabica Coffee? 1. Age of Coffee One thing that distinguishes Robusta and Arabica coffee is the age of the coffee itself. Arabica coffee beans are the first type of coffee ever consumed, while Robusta coffee was only discovered approximately 100 years after arabica. So it’s no ... Read more

Knowledge of Coffee And Ability About

Have you ever drink coffee that tastes of acid? Why does coffee taste sour? Coffee should taste bitter? There are 3 types of coffee that are well-known by the people, but 80% of coffee circulating is coffee with the type of ROBUSTA. This coffee has a special taste that is bitter But actually not all coffee tastes bitter, there are types of coffee that have acid flavor, namely coffee with the type of arabica coffee, this coffee will have a stronger sour taste vanila planted on land with altitudes above 1000 asl, the higher ASL will create a stronger acidity. ... Read more

What is Toraja Coffee

The history of this type of coffee has existed from the Dutch era first. The Toraja region is famous for being the largest producer of spices in Indonesia, so Toraja coffee has unique flavors. This type of coffee bean is planted in a mountainous area which is quite high and is in Sulawesi. Sapan is a small place in Sulawesi which is the name of a coffee collection point in the surrounding area. While Toraja is the name of a mountainous region in Sulawesi Island, where this one type of coffee plant grows. The advantages of Toraja coffee The distinctive ... Read more

The Difference between Light, Medium and Dark Roast in Coffee

KNOWING the different roasting levels in coffee is as important as knowing what single origin you will buy for brewing later. 😊 Roasting level, brewing method and single origin include 3 important factors that will determine what the characteristics of the coffee will come out when brewed. Various roasting levels from Green bean to dark roast: * 1. Light roast * ☕ For those who like coffee with tea-like texture and soft characteristics, light roast is a suitable level of roasting. You can check the purchased coffee beans to find out the level. Lightly roasted coffee beans generally will not ... Read more

What is Specialty Coffee?

Specialty coffee is a conversation that is definitely revealed if we are discussing coffee or doing coffee business, nowadays the name coffee is increasingly circulating, there are those who make it based on personal or group tastes and some according to coffee language that might be close to scientific level. Indonesia Specialty Coffee Beans Then whether there are scientific institutions that make definitions clearly discuss and determine the definition of the term coffee, as far as the author’s knowledge does not yet exist, which, there is still a term issued by educational institutions such as coffee institutes in America. The ... Read more